The cast involves the best among the new generation of GMA young actors: Bea Binene, Kim Rodriguez, Joyce Ching, Jhoana Marie Tan, Rita De Guzman, Kiko Estrada, Jeric Gonzales and Jake Vargas.
Bea Binene is Clarissa, who is gripped by the desire to meet her father in the belief that her biological mother already died.
Kim Rodriguez is Jack, a boyish girl who is accused of arson in the factory where she is working.
Joyce Ching is Dorina, a soft-spoken girl who is weak in nature.
Jhoana Marie Tan is Lupe, the most ambitious among the four girls.
Rita de Guzman is Lavinia, the girlfriend of Paulino (Kiko Estrada)
JaBea returns as Clarissa and Gabo, after their last team-up on TV, Home Sweet Home
Sunshine Dizon is Elaine, Dorine's mother
Sheryl Cruz is Monique, who hates her sister Elaine
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